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Showcase Your WordPress Users on Google Maps

Live Demo
WordPress Users on Google Maps
January 1, 2024
Last Updated On
Current Version
High Resolution
Widget Ready

Plugin Features

Illuminate your WordPress users on Google Maps and spotlight the global diversity within your audience.

Global User Presence

Community Interaction

Seamless Integration

Responsive Design

Customizable Map Styles

Show the WordPress Users on Google Maps

Embark on a journey through the vibrant WordPress community with WP Maps Pro addon. Our cutting-edge addon seamlessly integrates with your website, transforming it into an interactive map that displays the geographical distribution of all registered users. Harness the power of location-based engagement, elevate your SEO game, and boost conversion rates as you bring your users closer together on a global scale.

Discover the Top Features

  • Visualize and celebrate your WordPress community by displaying user locations worldwide.
  • Encourage user engagement and connections by showcasing their geographical diversity.
  • Integrate the addon with your existing WordPress website for a smooth user experience.
  • Tailor the map's appearance to match your website's aesthetics and branding.
  • Create a compelling user experience that translates into increased conversions and community growth.

Get this Addon plugin and look no further

We also have dedicated support team which will assist you in setting up the plugin according to your requirements.