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How to use clean_user_cache action in WordPress

Sandeep Kumar Mishra
Sandeep Kumar Mishra
April 7, 2023
5 minutes read

Understanding and using WordPress hooks can be a game-changer for your website development. The clean_user_cache action is one such hook that fires right after a user’s cache is cleaned. If you’re someone who likes to keep your WordPress site efficient, knowing how to use this hook is a must. You can add this to your theme’s functions.php file or better yet, create a custom plugin. This way, you won’t lose your customization when your theme updates.

Let’s dive into some live examples to see how you can put clean_user_cache to work in your projects.

Example 1: Basic Usage of clean_user_cache

Here’s how you can register the action and create a function that executes when a user’s cache is cleared.

    function weplugins_execute_on_clean_user_cache_event($user_id, $user){
       // Custom functionality for when the user's cache is cleaned
    add_action("clean_user_cache", "weplugins_execute_on_clean_user_cache_event", 10, 2);

Example 2: Removing the Action

If you need to remove this action after it’s no longer needed, you can do so using the following code.

    remove_action("clean_user_cache", "weplugins_execute_on_clean_user_cache_event", 10, 2);

Example 3: Advanced Customization

In this example, imagine you need to log an entry every time a user’s cache is cleaned. You can expand the function to add this logging feature.

    function weplugins_log_user_cache_cleaning($user_id, $user){
        // Log the cache cleaning event
        error_log("User cache cleaned for user ID: " . $user_id);
    add_action("clean_user_cache", "weplugins_log_user_cache_cleaning", 10, 2);

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Sandeep Kumar Mishra

Sandeep Kumar Mishra

Sandeep Kumar Mishra writes about WordPress and Artificial Intelligence, offering tips and guides to help you master your website and stay updated with the latest tech trends.

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