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How to use customize_save_response filter in WordPress

Sandeep Kumar Mishra
Sandeep Kumar Mishra
January 17, 2023
5 minutes read

customize_save_response filter

This filter does not apply if there was a nonce or authentication failure.

To use customize_save_response filter, first you have to register it using add_filter. You can write this code into functions.php of your activated theme or in a custom WordPress Plugin.

We at WePlugins, always prefer to create a custom WordPress Plugin while using hooks so nothing breaks when you update your WordPress Theme in the future.

In the below live example, we have defined a function weplugins_modify_customize_save_response_defaults which takes 2 parameters and we registered using add_filter. The first parameter customize_save_response is the name of the hook, The second parameter weplugins_modify_customize_save_response_defaults is the name of the function which needs to be called, the third parameter is the priority of calling the hook if the same hook is used multiple times and the last parameter is the number of arguments (if any) to be passed in the registered function.

Sometimes, you have to remove a registered hook so you can use remove_filter to remove customize_save_response filter.


    Below are the 2 parameters required to use this hook.

  • $response: (array) Additional information passed back to the ‘saved’ event on wp.customize.
  • $manager: (WP_Customize_Manager) WP_Customize_Manager instance.

Live Example 1

Below is an example of how you can use this hook.

    function weplugins_modify_customize_save_response_defaults($response, $manager) { 
        // Update the $response variable according to your website requirements and return this variable. You can modify the $response variable conditionally too if you want.
        return $response; 
    // add the filter
    add_filter( "customize_save_response", "weplugins_modify_customize_save_response_defaults", 10, 2 );

Live Example 2

To remove a hook callback, use the example below.

    remove_filter( "customize_save_response", "weplugins_modify_customize_save_response_defaults", 10, 2 );

Please make sure to provide the same callback function name, priority, and number of arguments while removing the hook callback.

Live Example 3

Another example where we modify the response conditionally based on a specific setting.

    function weplugins_modify_customize_save_response_conditionally($response, $manager) { 
        if ( isset( $response['specific_setting'] ) ) {
            // Modify the response for specific setting
            $response['specific_setting'] = 'new_value';
        return $response;
    // add the filter
    add_filter( "customize_save_response", "weplugins_modify_customize_save_response_conditionally", 10, 2 );

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Sandeep Kumar Mishra

Sandeep Kumar Mishra

Sandeep Kumar Mishra writes about WordPress and Artificial Intelligence, offering tips and guides to help you master your website and stay updated with the latest tech trends.

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