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Getting Started With Was This Helpful Pro

Sandeep Kumar Mishra
Sandeep Kumar Mishra
October 26, 2016
5 minutes read

To use the Was This Helpful Pro plugin, ensure that the WePlugin Core plugin is activated.You can display feedback options on your frontend posts, pages, and custom post types page.

To Display Feedback Review on Posts and Pages:-

To apply the feedback option click on the WePlugins->Was This Helpful menu backend Dashboard.

    1. For Post Types :
      To display the feedback form on all pages and posts, select All. If you want to display the feedback option on specific Posts, Pages, or Custom Post Types, enable it as needed.
    2. For Single Post :
      To display the feedback form on a frontend single post page, please enable the For Single Post option.
    3. For Blog Archives :
      To display the feedback form on the frontend blog archive page, please enable the For Blog Archives option.
    4. For Categories :
      To display the feedback form on the frontend category page, please enable the For Categories option.

Feedback options:-


  1. Allow Positive Feedback:-
    By enabling this option, users can submit a positive feedback message or you can choose to display a share button. you can also require positive feedback messages by enabling Positive Feedback Required?
  2. Allow Negative Feedback:-
    By enabling this option, users can submit a negative feedback message. you can also require negative feedback messages by enabling Negative Feedback Required?

On the frontend, you’ll notice that the feedback option is applied only to your single post page.

You also can apply this feedback option on your archives page. For applying at the archive page just tick at For Blog archives as shown.

Your feedback option will display at your archives Page.

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