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Step-by-Step Guide: How to Draw on Google Maps Easily

Sandeep Kumar Mishra
Sandeep Kumar Mishra
in Posts > Tech
August 8, 2024
5 minutes read
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Draw on Google Maps Easily

Google Maps, has helped us in making things very much easier. A user can easily navigate any place on Earth with the help of Google Maps. Besides this, Google Maps has also let the users create fantastic things just as lines, shapes, drawings or creating, and many more things. Here in this, blog we will discuss all about how to draw on Google Maps.

Thanks to Google Maps, that makes travelling easier. Google Maps, are the only medium that makes Navigating through the cities easier. But do you know, that Google Maps has also allowed us to draw routes easily? This is very much beneficial, while you are going on a difficult tour and want to organize it in a better way. Here we have a quick guide that will help you draw a route on Google Maps, that will make your complete tour more organized.

Draw a Line on Google Maps

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Simply draw lines or shapes on your existing Google Map. Highlight specific areas or landmarks. Plan your route in a better way, with the help of the instructions below:

Visit mymaps.google.com. Enter the details for user ID and password, to log in to your existing Google Map.

Google's Mymaps List

After login, you will be redirected to the Google Account. Choose opting for Create a Map from the menu bar.

Start Drawing on Google Maps

Choose a unique title to display on the upper left-side corner and also add a brief description. You can also share your map or keep it private.

Edit Google Maps Title and Description

With the help of the line tool, choose a zig-zag line displayed on the top of the webpage. Choose a starting point and start drawing on your map. Drag your mouse and create a line with the help of it. Make use of map points to draw shapes. To end your line drawing tool, you have to double-click.

Access Line Tool in Google Maps

While you take your mouse over the line, you will see a dialogue box appear. Make use of the Dialog box to get details about the distance. Different drawing options that you can check out here are adding images, adding videos, or deleting any place.

Draw Line on Google Maps

Draw a radius on Google Maps

If you are running a small company, then drawing a radius over your business will be very beneficial for you.  You have to choose a maximum driving distance from your office or home. You cannot trust Google Maps for creating radius on Google Maps, many third-party tools will ease your creation. So, here we have some of the steps that can help you out.

With the help of KML4Earth, you can draw a radius on Google Maps. Here we have steps that ease your creation.

KML Circle Generator

Visit your Google Maps, find a map maker and get that surrounded with the help of a circle. Copy and paste the coordinate longitude and latitude into your clipboard.

Add New Layer Google Maps

Edit Marker on New Layer Google Maps

Make use of KML4Earth to start creating a radius. Enter the details of longitude and latitude here and enter details for the radius that you want to enter.


Choose a circle generator, while you are using a KML generator you will have a file generated. You have to save that into your system.

Visit to Google Maps again.

Google My Maps

Choose a Google Map to Create a New Map.

Create a New MyMaps Google

Now, create a new Layer and then get that imported from your menu displaying on the left corner.

Import the file that you made earlier.

Add a Circle Layer Google Maps

Show Circle on Google Maps

After you have finished, you can download your file. You should not miss adding it to your website using embed code.

Edit Maps Details on MyMaps Google


Draw a route on Google Maps

 For instance, if you are organizing any meet at your place, then while drawing a route you can make it easy to reach your destination. Besides this, you can also make your guest understand about parking areas, travel time, or other major areas. If you’re running a WordPress Site, you can use our plugin to draw on google a custom tour.

After signing in to your account, visit Google Maps in your browser

Google My Maps

On the top left corner, click on the horizontal lines displayed in the menu option. Now, click on the Your Places.

From the top of the webpage, click on the maps. Here you can check out different options of maps that you have already saved.  In this case, if you have not used Your Places before, then your list will be empty.

Add New Layer Google Maps

At the end, you can create a map.

You can even name your map. From your map, you can choose which map you want to use for the route. From the base map, you can check out which type of map style you want to select.

Edit Maps Details - MyMaps Google

In the search option, click on add directions where you will see a Y-shaped road. Here you can check out a layer having information about the driving destinations.

Add From and To Locations on MyMaps Google

Here you will get all the details about the driving directions. You can choose the mode in which you are travelling like cycling, walking, or via car. After choosing, your medium you have to click on the X button to close your window.

Choose Traveling Mode MyMaps Google

To enter details about address or location name click on the “A” field.

Enter To Details to Directions Widget Google Maps

You have to repeat the same process to choose location B.

Show Route on Google MyMaps

In case, you want to add more information about the destinations, then choose the option for the destination and add new places.

After you have completed it, you can give a name to your map. To do so, click on the Untitled Map and save the map.


Drawing on Google Maps is super handy for all sorts of projects! Whether you’re mapping out a road trip, planning a new route, or just highlighting areas of interest, Google Maps makes it easy. With our step-by-step guide, you can easily draw lines, circles, and routes to get the most out of your maps. Give it a try and see how drawing on Google Maps can be interesting.

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Sandeep Kumar Mishra

Sandeep Kumar Mishra

Sandeep Kumar Mishra writes about WordPress and Artificial Intelligence, offering tips and guides to help you master your website and stay updated with the latest tech trends.

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