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How to setup pending payment reminder?

Sandeep Kumar Mishra
Sandeep Kumar Mishra
November 19, 2016
5 minutes read

WooCommerce Reminder Plugin is designed to automatically detect orders with pending payments and send payment reminder emails, SMS messages, or both to users whose payments are still pending. With this plugin, you can set up to three payment reminder emails or SMS messages for users.

To get started with the WooCommerce Reminder Plugin, follow these steps:

1. Install WooCommerce:
– If you haven’t already, install the WooCommerce plugin by following the instructions provided WooCommerce plugin . Activate the plugin.

2. Activate WooCommerce Reminder:
– After successfully activating WooCommerce, you’ll notice a WooCommerce menu in your WordPress admin. Now, install and activate the WooCommerce Reminder on your WordPress site.

Once you’ve completed these steps, you’ll be ready to use the WooCommerce Reminder Plugin to streamline your payment reminders.

Setup Pending Payment Reminder

After activate the plugin , you’ll see a new emails added in email Notification.

You can setup second and third payment reminder in the same way.

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